Friday, July 29, 2011

EXCLUSIVE: Glee's Ryan Murphy Talks For First Time About Spinoff & Firings Missteps

Journalist Allison Hope Weiner is a special correspondent to Deadline and files this exclusive breaking news that executive producer Ryan Murphy stopped work on a Glee post-high school spinoff after 3 of the show's stars feigned ignorance over his plans to have them leave the original series at the end of Season 4 and star in the series. We'll be posting Weiner's full interview with Murphy shortly: Glee Executive Producer Ryan Murphy told me in an exclusive Deadline interview that up until a few weeks ago he was working on a planned scripted hourlong spin-off to Glee. But after several of the show’s stars claimed surprise at Murphy’s announcement that this year would be their last on the first series, he opted to put the new show on hold. Murphy told Deadline that as early as March of this year, he talked to Glee stars Lea Michele, Chris Colfer, and Cory Monteith about a possible spin-off in which their characters would graduate from high school and go on to college at NYC's Juilliard which he called. Murphy said he opted to include the actors in the plans for a spin-off because he wanted their input on how they saw their characters changing and because he wanted to know whether they’d be willing to relocate to New York to film the series. Here's what he says happened: Allison Hope Weiner: So what is accurate and inaccurate about Lea Michele, Chris Colfer, and Cory Monteith staying, leaving, what they claim, and what you told them? Ryan Murphy: I said two things in an interview: I said, yes, they are graduating and they will not be back on the show for Season Four. And when I did that interview, what was happening was we were asked to investigate doing a spin-off and it was a spin-off specifically for three of them, Chris, Cory and Lea. In March, Brad Falchuk and I started talking to all three of those actors about it because you can’t make people do spin-offs. So, we went to them and asked, 'What do you think about this? Are you interested? If you are interested, what would you want your character to do? Where do you think we should shoot it?' So, it was a discussion with all three of those actors about it. At the time, all three of them expressed interest. 'Yeah, that sounds good. It’s good to graduate. It’s good to grow the characters. It’s good to not have to sit in that choir room. It’s good to sort of expand and continue the evolution of these people.' They were involved in the process for 3 to 4 months to the point where we were even talking about cities and relocations and we called Julliard and what would that mean and how would we do it. So, for any of those actors to say, ‘I found out that I was fired off the show from Twitter,’ is absolutely 100% not true. None of them were fired. It was never about that. We were going to do a spin-off where the three of them were going to go on.  They all knew what was happening, they all had approved it, they all said they wanted to do it. Some of them had different caveats. Some of them, to be honest, were not thrilled about moving to a different city. Some had families here and some had families elsewhere. I feel sensitive about that. So then what happened was it blew up and a lot of articles were written about it. Some people were writing they're not on the show so that means they must be fired. Well, no. That was 100% incorrect. Weiner: How did it get so wrong? Murphy: I think that some of those actors’ representatives spun it in a certain way, to be quite honest, I don't understand. We weren’t allowed to talk about a spin-off. It was too premature. We didn’t want to do it then. The idea was to do it this fall when Glee gets back on the air.  Then, to pick up and read the actors saying, “We found out we were fired from Twitter.” All of us, the studio, the network, were like, 'OK, that isn’t exactly cool,' because we involved all three of them in that decision. So then what happened is that we decided, 'OK, let’s not do it.' So that’s where we are today. Maybe we’ll talk about it in April or May, but for now let’s just concentrate on making Season 3 the best that we can do. When I say they’re seniors and they’re not coming back to the show, what I did not say is they’re not coming back to the show because there will be another show. What Brad [Falchuk] said this weekend at Comic-Con is now correct: they’re graduating. What we wanted is to get people away from this idea that the actors were fired which is ludicrous. Nobody was fired. They were talked to for months about the show. Weiner: Do you think the actors were trying to position themselves for pay increases for a possible sequel? Murphy: No, it wasn’t even to that point. We wanted to get those actors on the same page creatively. If they all agreed creatively, we would then move forward. We don’t have a deal with the network. 20th TV doesn’t have a deal with the network. I think what happened is Chris Colfer did an interview and the timing probably was a little bit unfortunate. I think that he was getting a lot of calls with people saying, 'You’re fired. You’re fired.' And all of them knew they weren’t fired, but it was an awful thing to read. And I felt for them. And they couldn’t come out and say, 'No, we weren’t fired. We’re talking about a spin-off.' Because we told them not to. And this has blown up. So now we’re not doing the spin-off. It’s not my call. Those actors have a contract for seven years. So just because they’re graduating and so many of them are beloved, if they don’t go to New York, maybe they’ll do something else. We haven’t even thought of that. Weiner: So is anyone getting things ready for a spin-off? Murphy: We were. Not now. Weiner: You’re just putting it on hold in terms of sending them to a place like Julliard? Murphy: That was the original place. That was what [last season's] whole New York Episode was about, the finale. But to be honest, since then because of the press and because of the perception and because Brad and I have had another show picked up, we have simply stopped with everyone’s understanding. You know, I had dinner with Lea last night where we talked about it. We don’t know what we’re going to do. We were going to start talking about it in September and now we’re not. We’re going to talk about it in April. The thing that I really wanted to reiterate was that no one was ever going to be fired. And the actors were very involved in the idea. Cory was discussed. Chris was discussed. We talked to Naya. We talked to the kids. And I think that the media has glommed on to this idea that we were graduating them and firing them and bringing in like Glee Project kids. Weiner: I don’t think that’s fair about the media. These kids said things. Murphy: Maybe they did. If they did, I think that I can say on behalf on Brad and myself that if they tried to spin it that they were under the thumb of the evil showrunners who were trying to manipulate them, I say, 'Well, I’m sorry about that. They know that’s not true.' But I don’t think that they think that. I don’t think Chris and Corey and Lea think that. I think it was a story that, because the truth couldn’t come out, blossomed into a thing.  I’ve learned a lesson from this experience. I’ve learned to really really monitor what I say. Before I didn’t do that. My bad. Stupid. Particularly what has happened with Glee. I just read an article that Glee is one of the most discussed shows on the Internet between the blogs and the recap. Fans are excited. If I don’t keep them excited and involved, that’s my job. Glee is not Super 8 trying to keep something secret. The monster here was the spin-off and now it’s enough. Weiner: I want to be clear about this: it’s still going forward or it's not? Murphy: We were actively talking to actors, we were actively writing, we were actively getting ready to pitch. OK, here’s the three actors, and they want to do it, so here’s the story for them. Now that that has collapsed. We’re not talking about it, we’re not pitching it. We’re not doing anything for the next several months except for this third season. I would prefer and I know Brad would prefer and I think the actors will prefer to roll up our sleeves and do a really good season and if there is a spin-off, talk about it in April. Could we do a spin-off? To be quite honest with you, maybe. Some of the actors that we discussed doing spin-offs do not want to do a spin-off. It’s hard to do a spin-off on a show where an actor says no. And if there’s no spin-off, then we'll announce that there’s not. But as of now, I can tell you I’m not working on it.  

Getting Shot in L.A.

"Student films are the best opportunity to network with the next round of professionals breaking into the industry," says American Film Institute graduate Avi Quijada. If you have an excellent work ethic and give your all as much as we do, we will remember you forever 'cause you helped us break through." And actors have the opportunity to showcase their skills on student films. As Quijada says, "We give you the chance to be the centerpiece." Art Center College of Design grad student Ellen Houlihan says she thinks it's better for actors "to have clips that demonstrate their ability to carry a film." She adds, "If you can work with a student director, you can find something that really fits with your identity and get a kick start on your career." And Los Angeles has a plethora of film schools. Each operates slightly differently from the others, but all have one thing in common: The students need lots of actors for their films. Most Los Angeles film schools where student projects are cast are two-year graduate programs, but UCLA offers a four-year graduate program. According to Dallas King, a second-year MFA studying directing at UCLA's film school, each student does about six films per year. Multiply that by the 13 students in his program, and there are more than 70 student films being shot at the UCLA directing school alone. Rukmani Bachal, Acting Department coordinator at New York Film Academy, says the academy's students shoot approximately eight films of varying length per year. And the Art and Design College of Pasadena has about 20–30 students entering the program each year, each of whom completes approximately 10 films a year, says Houlihan. According to the deputy national executive director for contracts at SAG, Ray Rodriguez, USC and AFI have contracts with SAG. And AFI casts exclusively out of the SAG Conservatory for the first year, says Quijada. Other area film schools include LMU/LA, Los Angeles Film School, Hollywood Film and Acting Academy, and Cal State Los Angeles. How to Find Student Films At some of the schools, the student director or producer may do the casting, but some programs, including AFI, have casting directors for their projects. Some of the schools have databases of headshots and résumés, like NYFA and UCLA, and actors are welcome to drop off their headshots and résumés. King says most schools also have bulletin boards where actors and student producers can post information. The students casting the films also use a variety of outlets to post their casting notices, including Back Stage. King also recommends that actors learn the schedules of the various schools. He says, "Come second week of January, we're out there scouting for talent for our big projects." With all those projects, choosing the right one—one that will provide quality footage for an actor's reel—can be difficult. Actors should research the filmmaker. Bachal says, "If an actor does their due diligence in checking out a filmmaker's reel and previous work and reading the script for what their role entails, they can be certain to get good footage for their reels and spend less time and effort on films that won't necessarily provide that." King suggests the actor ask the director questions about the background of the character. "That's an actor's way of kind of like figuring out how serious these directors take it," he says. What to Expect on a Student Film… According to King, UCLA encourages its directors to work like the industry does—which means that actors get craft services, wardrobe, and a dressing room. Actors aren't used as crew and are not expected to work past a certain time. Because student films are run as professionally as possible, directors often want to do table reads and rehearse. King says, "We really enjoy actors who are very much interested in doing the whole nine yards—because it's good experience for them, it's good experience for us." Student films move faster than union projects. King says, "A lot of times we have like 10 days to cast it, rehearse it, and then we're going to shoot on the small projects." …And What is Expected of You "We're serious about our craft, and a lot of work goes behind it, and we expect the same amount of commitment to come from anyone that joins our production," says Quijada. So actors should prepare for the audition. Though most directors don't expect actors to be off book, it shows that an actor is a professional taking the project seriously if he or she has at least read the script and is able to identify with the character. Bachal says, "Actors should always conduct themselves professionally on any caliber of production. An actor's professionalism and demeanor greatly enhance or hurt their chances of being cast on a film. Even students prefer not to have high-maintenance cast on their projects." King says, "Do not take student films lightly, because they are run professionally. I would definitely encourage new actors coming to town to take student films more seriously, because there's great opportunity in the long run and you just don't know the networking and the people you're going to meet." Tips for Getting Footage for Your Reel Rodriguez recommends that actors have a written agreement to ensure they will receive their copies, but he warns that there are cases in which students don't complete the project and the actors will not receive their copies. At AFI, Quijada says, actors usually receive their copies at the premiere of the film. She says the best way to ensure you get your footage is to keep in touch with the producer. Bachal agrees, "Make sure you have the filmmaker's contact information and follow up with them diligently." King and Houlihan also suggest that actors have realistic expectations about how quickly they will receive their footage. Houlihan says, "Be respectful that sometimes postproduction can take as many as a couple weeks to a couple months to complete, but it's okay to keep following up." King says, "Student films have a negative reputation, which is you do a project and you won't see the finished project for a year." But that's because the whole year of school is designed to work on the project, he explains. He often has actors bring their external hard drives to get the raw footage of themselves and suggests that actors ask the director if they can get the raw footage while they are waiting for the finished copy. Understanding Deferred Pay Deferred pay basically means that actors will not be paid for their services initially; but should the film make money in the future, the actors will be the first to be paid what they should have made initially. Rodriguez explains, "The SAG Student Film Letter Agreement has a deferred compensation rate that is only payable to the professional performers if, with the permission of the professional performers, the project is sold, distributed, or exhibited outside the permitted uses, which are (1) in the classroom for a grade, (2) at film festivals, (3) before the Academy of Motion Pictures Arts and Sciences for possible award consideration (the Academy requires the student film be exhibited for at least one week in a paying movie house to qualify for such consideration), and (4) as a visual résumé to demonstrate the student filmmaker's capabilities before established members of the entertainment industry." Most students don't bother with deferred pay and instead just offer copy, credit, and meals. However, AFI offers deferred payment for second-year productions. King says a lot of UCLA directors like to get in the habit of registering their projects with SAG, but because that requires them to get liability and workers' compensation insurance, sometimes the costs are prohibitive. He says, "Actors doing student films should not expect to get paid."

Thursday, July 7, 2011

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Trailer for the upcoming full-length tanking guide! Subscribe and
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01:54 More in
Gaming [4]


Is my comic interesting?

It will be based on a 2 or 3 year old girl dies (Dianne), of drowning
in the lake when nobody was looking, By the time they got her out she
was lifeless. Dianne's parents were devestated... They just could not
tolerate the idea of their daughter being dead forever... so they
overlooked the option of having her put into cryopresevatation, in
hope that someday her daughter will wake up and live again...
150-200 years later... Dianne awakes (She is brought back to life) She
is the age of 2 or 3 (Same as when she died) She is immediatly given
do adoptive parents who raise her until she is around 15 or so.. She
has no memories of having died in 2005, or her biological parents back
That is when she starts to get flash backs of her past.. then she
starts to question Who she really is.

If anyone has ideas I could add to make the comic more interesting
please feel free to add up

Question about finding an online video of the show " 48 Hours on ID" on the channel " ID"?

4 months ago i watched an hour long episode of 48 hours on ID. and it
was about the Dissapearance  death of caylee anthony. im trying to
find an online video of that episode. please help??

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A Day In The LIFE with Juelz Santana (TRAILER ONLY) propFOOTAGE FILMS
propFOOTAGE [3] Views:
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00:36 More in
People  Blogs [4]


Where can I watch Saw V online for free?

Please post valid links and direct links if you can, thanks.

Movies? Scar face, mob movies?

You know how there are those mob movies and scare face movies? Is
there a movie like about morrocans if you guys know

songs about your sons growing up?

my older children's dad has been out of the picture for a while and I
need to songs for my 2nd, 3rd youngust and my youngust son, preferably
about being raised bby their step dad, and one about having a step dad
and a mother in law....... HELP. oh and I really love country so that
would be helpful

Who do you think is the most underrated of the Monty Python team?

And are there any you feel are overrated?

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

When does the new jordin sparks album come out?

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Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Where do you go to for commercial auditions?

what website can i go to for commercial or for extras? ive been
looking for a while and all i found is a preorder thingy that you need
to buy for i think $20 and some websites you have to pay for so that
people can like find you online so i dont know if its a scam or not
can anyone help?

Where can I watch Gossip Girl for free online?

I cant download it, and i want to watch the pilot and all the way up
to now.

please let me know some +18 movie?

Right now, what would you say is a great TV show?

I watch a lot of great TV shows and i enjoy them lots, but i was
wondering if anyone has watched something i haven't and just fell in
love with it.

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Selena Gomez's "Love You Like A Love Song" does the tune sound familiar?

i cant put my figure on it but it sound so it another
remake? or a original song?

Monday, July 4, 2011

What is your favourite Guns n' Roses song?

Dont answer if you're not a fan or you just dont like them

What do you think of Kurt Cobain's death? Murder or suicide?

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07:33 More in
Music [4]


Sunday, July 3, 2011

Does anyone know anything about Matthew knight from the TV show My Babysitters a Vampire?

The guy from my Babysitters a vampire on Disney channel his characters
name is erick or something that starts with the letter E

Any info on him ? Wikipedia does not have much info.

Also any picture of him recently? All his pictures on google are old

This one is about music....?

what is this best new rock song of 2011 ... and can you name some
All Rock area...

how can I get nocturn guitar sheet of dominico dominici?

Suggest me a new 2011 reggae song to listen to?

Know any really creepy movies?

I need to know some really creepy movies. they can be based on true
stories or they dont have to be. i just want some movies where you are
too creeped out to go pee by yourself!(:

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Saturday, July 2, 2011

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Cd first discovered in which year?

We can make suggestions for Ripe Clips on Mondays right, is there a limit of how many suggestions we can make?

Channel V Ripe Clips

How can i keep the movies i rented from Itunes?

Does anyone know what the movie is called where a boy falls in love with his moms best friend?

Im prety sure that this movie played on hallmark channel and i really
wanna know what it is called i forgot can anyone help me????

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00:42 More in
Music [4]


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01:26 More in
Entertainment [4]


What movie is this? Drugs/Basketball ...?

I think it was called the Legend of someone
It was a drug story and I recall something to do with basketball
A prominent scene was one in which a man with no hands injects heroin
into his leg/foot
I'm desperate to find this as it was so powerful!
Thanks guys

Friday, July 1, 2011

Does Bumblebee in Transformers 3, do a backflip or frontflip?

At 1:46, when Bumblebee goes off the wall to catch the humans, does he
do a backflip or does he a do a front flip?

Obviously it is a back flip in the direction he is flipping.

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01:24 More in
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where can i watch shoebox zoo online free?

i live in the uk dont want to buy rent or sign up for anything but
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08:20 More in
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Thursday, June 30, 2011



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Deadpool Is Mad! Trailer

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00:40 More in
Film  Animation [4]


You have any artists you forgot you were at one time a huge fan of?

Not cause they are bad or anything, but just cause they haven't put
anything out in a long time, and cause you just haven't listened to

For me, it's Missy. I forgot how much of a fan I was of hers until I
watched behind the music on vh1, then i flipped through one of my cd
cases and saw 4 Missy albums.

BQ: How would you rate her as an artist, and how would you rate her

Supa Dupa Fly (1997)
Da Real World (1999)
Miss E... So Addictive (2001)
Under Construction (2002)
This Is Not a Test! (2003)
The Cookbook (2005)

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07:38 More in
Music [4]


Wednesday, June 29, 2011

In music, does the instrument matter, or the player?

Hello, I'm a guitarist and I've been told a lot that a good guitarist
will make any guitar sound great, but then other people keep
recommending to use X brand guitars or Y brand amps or Z brand etc.
etc. so which is it?

The movie I would like to know the name of is about a drunken ex award winning photojournalist that is approac?

The movie I would like to know the name of is about a drunken ex award
winning photojournalist that is approached by a young woman admirer of
his past work to teach here the trade.After much deliberation she
shows him the photos on his wall of famous people and past events, he
initially refuses but after much insistence on her part, agrees to go
through rehab and teach her. A very memorable scene is when he takes
her to a pawn shop and gives her his old Nikon F2 then some BW film,
then to the clinic where her first assignment is to document his
treatment. In one scene she walks in on some procedure and are both
shocked as he accidentally urinates uncontrollably and maybe onto her,
she backs away in shock, he then angrily tells her she should have
taken the photo to be a good photographer instead of backing away.
This character could have been Nick Nolte or someone just like him but
I cannot find any reference in his filmography. It was probably made
in late 80's early 90's. I would love to know the name of it thank

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10:21 More in
Entertainment [4]


Trailer: Mind-Break-In

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07:42 More in
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Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Monday, June 27, 2011

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 part 1 leaked full

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For more go to: In Part 2 of the epic finale, the battle
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stream 2011 trailer 3D 3-D official blockbuster sequel From:
DavidsonWhitfield [3] Views:
0 0

14:29 More in
People  Blogs [4]


Good Slow Songs About Bad Relationships?

I want some relationship songs that are slow and not sappy and gay.
Look at Miserable At Best by Mayday Parade, or Wonderless (Not about
relationships but that kind of sound) by Pierce the Veil.

Mainly about like ruined relationships not good ones so you bieber
lovers; stay out of here.
Jack- Blow me.
2nd girl- I bet you like bieber. GET OUT OF HERE

Hawaii Five-0 1x22 - 'Hoohuli Na'au' (Close to Heart) Australian Trailer 5.mp4

Hawaii Five-0 1x22 - 'Hoohuli Na'au' (Close to Heart) Australian
Trailer 5.mp4 [2]
Short Australian trailer for Hawaii Five-0 1x22 - 'Hoohuli Na'au'
translation: Close to Heart. From:
mcpheefive0 [3] Views:
0 0

00:11 More in
Entertainment [4]


Help me remember this movie?(zombie lovers?..)?

Well a while ago I had seen a movie, it was a zombie movie. There was
like this group of college or high school students bt they were
driving threw this desert an came across this town that a population
of like somewhere in the 90's and everyone was a zombie. No matter how
hard they tried to leave they always ended up right back there. And
the main girl was the reincarnation of like the master zombies
sister..i don't know I this helps any but like I really wanna watch
this movie again I just can't find it or remember the name...any

any good rnb song that describes how i feel ?

Maybe a song a bit like Marvins Room by Drake.
I really like this guy who doesnt even know that i exist. He is also
deeply in love with another girl. The way he talks to her, about her,
looks at her is so amazing. I dont want to get in between them but i
want to listen to a song that makes me cry and makes my heart melt,
because he does that to me..

Sunday, June 26, 2011

What are the lyrics to happy synthetic by Tman.?

Please I really need to know. Just lookout up on YouTube if you don't
kbow the song.

Law and Order Criminal Intent S10E08 HDTV XviD-ASAP

*Law and Order Criminal Intent S10E08 HDTV XviD-ASAP*
*Language:* English
AVI | XVID 624 x3 52 24fps | MP3 128Kbps | 42mins | 350 MB
_Genre: Action | Crime | Drama_ Groundbreaking producer Dick Wolf
presides over his popular, Emmy Award-winning Law  Order franchise
with Law  Order: Criminal Intent, broadcast on NBC during its first
six seasons and then moved to NBC Universal sibling USA Network
beginning with season seven. This legal crime drama is unique among
the other franchise programs in that it offers an additional dimension
by exposing major crimes from the criminal's perspective. Vincent
D'Onofrio stars as Det. Robert Goren, an exceptionally bright homicide
investigator with well-honed instincts that match up favorably with
his criminal quarry. Likewise, his partner, Det. Alexandra Eames
(Kathryn Erbe), brings an independence and stylish edge to her work
that meshes well in tandem with Goren.

nightmare on elm street?

i just watched nightmare on elm street on tv, when i was around 7 i
used to get nightmares quite frequentely im now 19 and and i havent
had a nightmare in 9 years

so what exactley causes nightmares

Whats love song has a good music video?

I'm trying to look for a love song with a tear jurking and very sweet
music video too one with alot of meaning. know any?

Sonic unleashed trailer

Sonic unleashed trailer [2]
Sonic! From:
thepsipod [3] Views:
0 0

02:20 More in
Entertainment [4]


Nanna trailer Telugu cinema videos - Vikram _ Anushka

Nanna trailer Telugu cinema videos - Vikram _ Anushka [2]
vikram new film, anushka new film Nanna trailer Telugu cinema videos
Vikram Anushka From:
ourtelugutv [3] Views:
0 0

00:30 More in
Film  Animation [4]


Who wrote Selena Gomez's new song "Bang Bang Bang"?

A lot of people are saying she didn't write it. I love the song I want
to know who wrote it. No rude answers please.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

what is family guy about?

my cousin watches it and asks me to watch it but i wont until i know
ill like it otherwise its pointless watching it

Britains got talent singer?

I cant seem to remember the name of the white haired singer in
Britain's got talent. He has a deep voice.

I need some good songs?

I need some good songs you can dance to that arent played on the

Japense video where man wakes up from funeral to get better picture of himself?

Ok so there is this music video for a japanese song where the man
wakes during his funeral, everything around him goes freezes, he sees
the picture of himself, is horrified with it, then the whole video is
him basically going all over town to buy a suit, get his photo
retaken, then going back to his funeral swapping the pictures round
then getting back in his coffin. Whilst also doing this on his journey
he ends up at some ones wedding...

I would really love it if ANY one knew what video/song i was talking
about because it was so good, i just can not remember it, thanks guys,
you're all amazing XD

What is a good song for how I am feeling?

What is a good song about letting a friend go that has hurt you? Not
like a song thats overly mad and bitter but more disappointed and sad
but its best for yourself to let them go. haha if there even is a song
like that. thanks! :)

Friday, June 24, 2011

Who sings it's friday?

OLTL, Haven't watched in years, trying to catch-up. Can you help?

The original Todd Manning is obviously back. How did the current Todd
become Todd (the one married to Tea Delgado)? The Original looks like
he's going to take over again. ANY insight into this storyline will
be appreciated.

Can anyone give me a definitive list of the most popular jukebox (bar) songs?

I am a foreigner living in the US (and will be here for a few years)
and although I have been well familiarized with American music since
my childhood, I feel lost when I go to bars and cannot recognize the
songs played from the jukebox. My kinda music is more like hip-hop,
dance pop and alternative rock. I admit, I am not a huge fan of rock
and roll or classical rock and so not anywhere close to being
comprehensive in my knowledge of American music. Nonetheless, I would
love to give all the popular songs played at the bars a try. For
instance, I like Don't Stop Believing by Journey, Sweet Caroline -
Neil Diamond and several of Led Zeppelin's and Pink Floyd's songs. I
came to know about the first two songs through jukeboxes and did like
them. I would greatly appreciate it if anyone could give me a list, a
definitive one if possible, of some of the most popular songs in the
US that people usually sing along with. I am talking about songs like
Don't Stop Believing, Sweet Child o Mine, Pour Some Sugar on Me, Sweet
Caroline etc.

Does anyone remember a show from the 90's for little kids that had a little worm as a character?

Are the fights on the Jerry Springer show fake?

Well sometimes it look completly played out
Plus they have the bell and that mean fight time like come on really?

Thursday, June 23, 2011

The Girl Next Door 2007 DvdRip Xvid-TASTE

*The Girl Next Door 2007 DvdRip Xvid-TASTE | 700 MB*

What are some good $ interesting but appropriate movies to watch with my 9yr old sister?

where can i watch disney channel original movies online without downloading or membership?

What song is this?Help?

"So I ask one thing, one thing of you..."
It's a christian song.

What is the name of the movie with the soldiers going crazy from their new equipment?

I watched this movie about 10 years ago, and was really scared by it
(i was still young). Now, i want to watch it again, but i can't seem
to find it anywhere.
The plot was a bit like:
Soldiers going for a mission in some desert'ish country. They have
received some new equipment that they need to test out. It turns out
that that equipment is drugging them or something, turning them crazy,
making them see things they don't really see.
I remember one scene where you see a little boy holding a handgrenade,
then showing the pin, then exploding. But later you see what really
happens: a soldiers holds a grenade in his own hand, comitting
Also, another scene i remember, is when one of the soldiers goes in
some underground building, where he finds a buddy of his, with some
surgeons around him, cutting away on his body.
If this rings any bell, please say so :)

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Need Help finding piano sheet?

Can anybody tell me where i can find a piano sheet for free and also i
can download it for free

Favourite films :-) ?

Rate these out of 10

Boy in the striped pyjamas
Mr Beans Holiday
Hangover (1st one)

Whats your favourite film?

MESSOLONGHI-avra georgiou-Music of Memory Documentary Trailer.wmv

MESSOLONGHI-avra georgiou-Music of Memory Documentary Trailer.wmv
πολυ καλη
να υπαρξουν
και αλλες.
aaaadz [3] Views:
0 0

02:16 More in
Education [4]


What do you think of this song that I wrote?

I wrote this for my best friend because I am in love with her and she
stole my heart

Killers (2010) BRRip x264-UTurN

Language: English
01:40:23 | 1280 x 720 | 25fps | MKV(H264) | MP3 - 128kbps | 594MB
*Genre:* Action | Comedy | Romance | Thriller A vacationing woman
meets her ideal man, leading to a swift marriage. Back at home,
however, their idyllic life is upset when they discover their
neighbors could be assassins who have been contracted to kill the

Does anyone know the title and the group's name that is singing the metal ballad that these lyrics belong to?

to those dreams we've shared so long
seems they won't come true
but I know if there is a way
I will find it please be to your side
I did all sorts of stupid things
How long will you cry for the moon,
don't send me to my doom
How long will you cry for the moon
why can't you give me no more room
I'm sorry I had you down so long

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Nurse Jackie S03E11 HDTV XviD-FQM

*Nurse Jackie S03E11 HDTV XviD-FQM*

Nurse Jackie S03E11 HDTV XviD-FQM
English | 29Mins | XVID 624x352 23fps | MP3 128Kbps 48Khz | 225 MB
Genre: Comedy | Drama | Family | Medical | Thriller

Heard a song in Rue 21.... Who sings it, please?

it goes a little something like this:

You might think i'm crazy but i think i'm gonna love you forever.

your help is greatly appreciated. :)

What Korean Drama was it?

The Korean Drama was about a girl named Red and her brothers and
sisters were names of colors (ex:orange green blue,ect.) She ends up
being a house maid or something and lives with 3 guys and one of them
was a guy she had a crush on.I forgot what it was called >.< and i
feel like watching i think the title was something about a
help me please!!!! D: